The Latest From Washington

Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Senate Delays Procedural Vote on Coronavirus Relief Package

The Senate today postponed a planned procedural vote on a sweeping coronavirus relief package that could include $10 billion to help airports respond to the pandemic.


Airport Affairs

Action Alert: Senators Urge President to Provide Federal Funds to Airports - Need Your Help Today as Negotiations Continue

A bipartisan group of 40 Senators late yesterday sent a letter to the President urging him to help airports dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak.


Airport Affairs

Action Alert: Press for Airport Relief Still Needed as Senate Negotiations Continue

Senators negotiating the next coronavirus relief package wrapped up last night without reaching a final agreement on what will be in the bill and what will be left behind to tackle at a future date.


Airport Affairs

Action Alert: Today is Critical Day; Keep Pressure on for Immediate Airport Coronavirus Relief

Time is running short to convince lawmakers to include airport relief in the package - it is critical that you follow-up today.


Airport Affairs

Action Alert: Senators to Urge President to Provide Federal Funding to Airports

A United States Senator is seeking signatures for a letter she intends to send to the White House today that asks the President to help airports dealing with COVID-19 outbreak.


Airport Affairs

Action Alert: Calls Needed NOW to Press Senate for Action on Airport Coronavirus Relief

Communicate with your Senators that airport relief MUST be part of the stimulus package being assembled to address coronavirus.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: AAAE to Hold Daily Coronavirus Calls for Members

In an effort to keep AAAE members apprised of the latest developments on the rapidly evolving situation on coronavirus and the government's response, we are establishing a daily conference call.
