The Latest From Washington

Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Commerce Committee Approves Two Airport Bills

Today, July, 22 2020, the Senate Commerce Committee approved two AAAE-backed bills by voice vote.


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: TSA Issues Extended Alternative Measure for Certain Security Requirements

TSA has posted to the HSIN the National AM 1542-20-03B which provides for alternative measures for certain security directive requirements.


Regulatory Affairs

EPA Releases Proposed GHG Emissions Standards for Airplanes

The EPA released a proposed rule that would establish GHG emission standards for engines that are used in subsonic jet and turboprop airplanes exceeding a certain maximum takeoff weight.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: House Committee Clears Way for Defense Bill

The House Rules Committee finished considering a defense authorization bill and a handful of airport-related amendments on a wide range of topics including the Contract Tower Program, PFAS, Buy American requirements and foreign jet bridges.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: House Appropriations Committee Clears FY21 DHS/TSA/CBP Spending Bill

The House Appropriations Committee approved a FY21 DHS spending bill on July 15, 2020.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: White House Releases NEPA Modernization Final Rule

On July 15, 2020, the White House's CEQ released a final rule that comprehensively rewrites the NEPA regulations with the goal of accelerating the approval of infrastructure project reviews.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: House Appropriations Committee Clears FY21 DOT Spending Bill

The House Appropriations Committee approved a FY21 DOT spending bill on July 14, 2020 that includes almost $6.4 billion for airport programs.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: AAAE Solicits Feedback on FAA's ATC Facility Hour Adjustments

AAAE is soliciting feedback through a survey from airports that have been affected by the FAA April 27 decision to temporarily adjust operating hours at 90 ATC facilities in light of the ongoing pandemic.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: AAAE Submits Comments on FAA's Supersonic Airplane Noise Standards NPRM

AAAE submitted comments to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in response to the agency's proposed rulemaking to establish subsonic noise certification standards for supersonic airplanes arriving and departing airports.


Airport Affairs

Action Alert: Please Urge Your Lawmakers To Help Airports in Next Coronavirus Relief Package

Please contact your lawmakers as soon as possible and urge them to provide additional funds to help airports offset significant financial losses and increased costs related to the coronavirus pandemic.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: House Appropriations Subcommittee Approves FY21 DOT Spending Bill

The House Transportation Approps. Subcommittee today approved a FY21 spending bill for the DOT that proposes almost $6.4 bil. for airport infrastructure, funding for small community programs, and a $2.8 mil. increase for the Contract Tower Program.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: House Appropriations Committee Unveils FY21 DOT Spending Bill With Big Proposed Increases for Airports

The House Appropriations Committee today released a FY21 spending bill for DOT that proposes almost $6.4 bil. for airport infrastructure projects, funding for small community programs, and a $2.8 mil. increase for the Contract Tower Program.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: House Subcommittee Approves FY 2021 DHS/TSA/CBP Funding Bill

The House Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee approved a FY 2021 funding bill for DHS and its component agencies, including TSA and CBP, in a short business meeting.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: House Appropriations Committee Unveils FY 2021 DHS Spending Bill

In advance of consideration tomorrow by the House DHS/TSA/CBP funding subcommittee, the House Appropriations Committee today released a FY 2021 spending bill that proposes a total of $50.72 billion in discretionary appropriations for the DHS and an a


Federal Affairs

TSA's "Stay Healthy, Stay Secure" Campaign Video and Infographic

TSA has officially filed a difference to the ICAO regarding the recently adopted international standard for 100 percent staff screening.


Airport Affairs

Action Alert: Airport Input Needed NOW as Lawmakers Contemplate Next Coronavirus Relief Package

The next few weeks will be critical for action on coronavirus relief in Washington, and we need your help if we are to have a chance at seeing additional airport priorities addressed as part of any package that could emerge.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Interagency Group Issues Framework/Recommendations for Airports, Airlines to Mitigate COVID Risks

A U.S. Government interagency group today issued "Runway to Recovery: The United States Framework for Airlines and Airports to Mitigate the Public Health Risks of Coronavirus," a guidance document developed jointly by the U.S. Departments of Transpor


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: Summary of TSA's Monthly Conference Call for Airport Stakeholders

July 2 2020 TSA held its monthly call for airport stakeholders. This alert contains a summary.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: House Approves $1.5 Trillion Infrastructure Bill; Measure Authorizes Additional Funding for Airports

The House today approved a $1.5 trillion infrastructure bill that would increase the AIP authorization level to $4 billion annually through FY25 and authorize up to $4 billion in supplemental airport funding per year during the same five-year time fr


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: U.S. Files Difference on ICAO Staff Screening Requirements

TSA has officially filed a difference to the ICAO regarding the recently adopted international standard for 100 percent staff screening.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Efforts To Promote Safe and Health Travel Over the Fourth of July Holiday

AAAE President and CEO Todd Hauptli participated in a media roundtable with Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Administrator David Pekoske; Airlines for America (A4A) President and CEO, Nick Calio; and Airports Council International - North


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: DOT Announces Nearly $800 Million in AIP Grants for Projects at 347 Airports

Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao today announced the award of $793.4 million in airport infrastructure grants, including $689 million in Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grants and an additional $104.4 million in Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Eco


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Lawmakers File Amendments to Infrastructure Bill

As House Democratic leaders prepare to bring their $1.5 trillion infrastructure package the House floor next week, lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have filed almost 350 amendments to the bill including a number of airport-related proposals and


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: TSA Enrollment Services and Vetting Programs Update on Rap Back and eBadge

TSA's Enrollment Services and Vetting Programs has issued two separate TSA bulletins related to the Rap Back program and the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) eBadge program.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Releases Spaceport Categorization ARC Final Report

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) released a final report from the Spaceport Categorization Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC), which FAA convened to solicit recommendations on how to categorize future spaceports and better communicate with
