The Latest From Washington

Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Lawmakers Propose $4 Billion for Airports; Release Details on Bipartisan Coronavirus Relief Package

A bipartisan and bicameral group of lawmakers released details and bill language on a $908 billion coronavirus relief package that includes $4 billion for airports and concessionaires and $17 billion to airlines to continue the Payroll Support Progra


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Senate Clears Short-Term CR and Defense Bill

As negotiations on a coronavirus relief package continue, the Senate approved a week-long continuing resolution and a defense authorization bill.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Releases Letter to Airports on Vaccine Distribution Considerations

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) distributed and released a letter to Part 139 commercial service airports that outlines items of consideration for any airport scheduled to receive large quantities of a COVID-19 vaccine or serving as an alte


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Additional Details Emerge on Bipartisan, Bicameral Coronavirus Relief Plan

A week after unveiling a bipartisan and bicameral coronavirus relief framework, a group of lawmakers today released more information on their $908 billion proposal.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Congress Preparing to Pass Temporary Funding Bill To December 18; Coronavirus Relief Update

Negotiations on a possible coronavirus relief package - including additional assistance to airports and our partners - and an omnibus measure to fund the federal government through FY21 are continuing in earnest on Capitol Hill.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: House Passes Defense Bill; Measure Includes PFAS and AIP Provisions

Tonight the House passed a conference report for the defense authorization bill that includes a number of PFAS-related provisions and language that would prohibit airports from using AIP funds to purchase boarding bridges from foreign companies...


Airport Affairs

Action Alert: Coronavirus Relief Negotiations Progressing; Airport Input Needed Today!

Negotiations on a possible coronavirus relief package – including additional assistance to airports – have entered a critical phase...


Airport Affairs

Action Alert: Lawmakers Unveil Defense Authorization Conference Report

House and Senate negotiators unveiled a conference report for the defense authorization bill that includes a number of PFAS-related provisions and language that would prohibit airports from using AIP funds to purchase boarding bridges...


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: FAA Releases Updated FAQ on CARES Act Airport Grants

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) released an updated frequently asked questions (FAQ) document that provides additional information for airport sponsors on questions and...


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: Summary of TSA's Monthly Conference Call for Airport Stakeholders

TSA held its monthly conference call for airport stakeholders. This alert includes a summary.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: DOT Releases Final Rule Revising Regulations Governing Service Animals

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) released its final rule revising and updating the regulations governing the transportation of service animals in aircraft.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Lawmakers Unveil Bipartisan COVID Relief FrameworkWith Proposed Fund for Airports, Airlines

A bipartisan and bicameral group of lawmakers unveiled a $908 billion coronavirus relief framework that proposes $45 billion for transportation including funding for airports ...


Airport Affairs

Action Alert: Please Communicate to Your Elected Officials the Importance of Airport and Aviation Industry Relief in the Lame Duck Session

With Congress working to wrap up the lame duck session and the 116th Congress over the next few weeks and with a coronavirus relief package still a possibility...


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: DOT Seeks Applications for Small Community Air Service Grants

DOT released an order inviting communities and consortia of communities to apply for up to $13 million in grants under the Small Community Air Service...


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Proposes Policy Update on Use of Airport Revenue for Health Screening Measures

FAA has shared a proposal that would update its existing guidance to permit airports to use their revenue to cover the costs of health screening programs or activities, including COVID-19 testing programs...


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: President-elect Biden to Nominate Alejandro Mayorkas as Next DHS Secretary

President-elect Biden announced that he intends to nominate Alejandro (Ali) Mayorkas to become the Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) when he takes office on January 20.


Airport Affairs

Action Alert: Contact Your Members of Congress Regarding TSA ASP Amendment on Employee Screening

In response to concerns we have received from a number of airports across the country regarding TSA’s proposed Airport Security Program (ASP) amendment (TSA-NA-20-02) related to the screening of aviation workers, AAAE has held a number...


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: FAA Seeks Feedback from Part 139 Airports on COVID-19 Mitigation Measures

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is distributing a voluntary survey to Part 139 commercial service airports, requesting anonymous feedback on practices and measures that have been implemented to reduce and mitigate the risks...


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: TSA, Industry Highlight Efforts To Protect Public Health and Safety Over the Thanksgiving Holiday

AAAE President and CEO Todd Hauptli participated in a media roundtable with Transportation Security Administration Administrator, David Pekoske...


Airport Affairs

Senate Committee Advanced Legislation on TSA's Registered Traveler Program and PreCheck Mobile Enrollment

The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation advanced a number of bills to the full Senate for consideration including the Registered Traveler Act of 2020 and the PreCheck Mobile Enrollment Act.


Federal Affairs

TSA Shares 2020 Thanksgiving Holiday Security Operations Plan

TSA shared with AAAE the agency's security operations plan -- often referred to as a placemat -- for the 2020 Thanksgiving holiday.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: U.S. Government Launches to Educate Passengers on How to Stay Healthy During Air Travel

Today the U.S. DOT, HHS, DHS, and the Department of State announced the establishment of a new web portal,, where airline passengers can receive updated information on how to ensure a safe and healthy travel experience.


Airport Affairs

Action Alert: Lawmakers to Try Again on Coronavirus Relief; Please Urge Your Delegation to Provide Funding for Airports and Our Industry Partners

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) intends to focus on coronavirus relief and the fiscal year 2021 appropriations bills during the lame duck session.


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: Summary of TSA's Monthly Conference Call for Airport Stakeholders

TSA held its monthly conference call for airport stakeholders. The conference call was led by Alan Paterno, TSA's Airport Industry Engagement Manager in the office of Policy, Plans and Engagement (PPE).


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: TSA Makes Policy and Personnel Announcements

TSA has approved a partial renewal of the National Alternative Measure (AM) 1542-20-03C which became effective on November 1 and now expires on February 28, 2021.
