The Latest From Washington

Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: DHS Deputy Secretary Confirmed Permitting Pekoske to Return to TSA

The Senate confirmed John Tien as the Deputy Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Once he is sworn in, David Pekoske, who has been serving as the Acting Deputy Secretary since February 2, 2021, will return to TSA where he serves..


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Senate Committee Rejects Proposal to Repeal Federal Mask Mandate in Transportation

The Senate Commerce Committee approved its sections of a surface transportation authorization bill, and during consideration of the measure rejected an amendment that called for repealing the federal mask mandate in transportation hubs.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: House Approves Early Incentive Bill

The House of Representatives today approved a bill by voice vote that would allow airports to use Airport Improvement Program funds for early incentive payments – a proposal long backed by AAAE and ACI-NA.


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: TSA Issues Bulletin Addressing STA Processing Delays

TSA has posted a bulletin on the Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN) addressing the increase in Security Threat Assessment (STA) processing times.


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: TSA Issues Updated FAQ on Face Mask SD

As anticipated, TSA has issued an updated Frequently Asked Questions document regarding the Security Directives implementing face mask requirements in and on airports and on aircraft.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Releases FAQ Guidance for Airport Rescue Grants

The Federal Aviation Administration released a frequently asked questions document that provides guidance for airport sponsors on how FAA will administer the $8 billion in Airport Rescue Grants.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Key, Bipartisan Group of Senators Releases Details of Yet Another Infrastructure Plan

Following the collapse of bipartisan talks earlier this week between President Biden and Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), a bipartisan group of five Democratic and five Republican Senators released their opening offer in ongoing...


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: CDC Issues Revised Face Mask Requirements for Outdoor Spaces at Airports

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that it will be amending its face mask Order so that people are not required to wear a mask while outdoors...


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Announces New UAS BVLOS Operations Aviation Rulemaking Committee

Administrator Steve Dickson announced that the FAA is forming a new UAS BVLOS Operations ARC to develop recommendations for the agency on a regulatory framework to enable more routine BVLOS operations.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Infrastructure Negotiations with GOP Break Down —New Proposals Now Enter the Mix

Bipartisan negotiations on infrastructure between the White House and a group of Senate Republicans led by Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) reached an impasse, with both sides pointing fingers at one another...


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Announces Shannetta Griffin as New Associate Administrator for Airports

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced that Shannetta R. Griffin, P.E., is the agency’s new Associate Administrator for the Office of Airports.


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: TSA Monthly Conference Call Summary for June 2021

TSA held its monthly conference call for airport stakeholders, led by Alan Paterno, TSA's Airport Industry Engagement Manager in the office of Policy, Plans and Engagement (PPE). This alert summarizes highlights from the call.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Biden Administration Releases FY22 Budget Request

The Biden Administration released a $6 trillion budget request for Fiscal Year 2022 that proposes funding for a long list of airport-related initiatives in DOT and DHS.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Senate Republicans Unveil Infrastructure Roadmap in Latest Back and Forth with White House

Senate Republicans released their latest offer in the ongoing bipartisan negotiations on infrastructure.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Senate Committee Approves 5-Year Surface Transportation Bill

The Senate Environment and Public Works Committee unanimously approved a 5-year surface transportation bill that proposes to open the door for airports to use federal loans and loan guarantees for a wider variety of infrastructure projects.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Downgrades Safety Rating for Mexico's Civil Aviation Authority

FAA announced that Mexico’s civil aviation authority, Agencia Federal de Aviacion Civil (AFAC), does not meet the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) minimum safety standards and, therefore, Mexico’s safety rating has been downgraded..


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Biden-Harris Team Releases Its Counterproposal for Infrastructure Negotiations

As bipartisan negotiations between the White House and Senate Republicans close in on the Memorial Day deadline set by President Biden, the Biden-Harris team released its counterproposal to the $568 billion Republican framework for infrastructure.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Lawmakers Propose to Expand TIFIA For Airports, Reinstate Bond Options to Help Finance Infrastructure

Lawmakers introduced bipartisan legislation that would expand TIFIA for more airport-related projects. Meanwhile, Republicans and Democrats are exploring other financing options that could help airports build their infrastructure projects.


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Bill to Expand Deployment of Sustainable Aviation Fuel Introduced in the House

Reps. Brad Schneider (D-IL), Dan Kildee (D-MI) and Julia Brownley (D-CA) today introduced legislation that seeks to reduce carbon emissions in the aviation sector by increasing the production and uptake of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), while...


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: TSA and DOT Issue Joint Statement on Continued Mask Mandate for Transportation

CDC, TSA and DOT issued a joint statement to clarify that mask requirements remain in place for airports, air carriers, and surface transportation.


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: DOT Announces $898.9 Million in AIP Grants for 447 Airports

DOT announced the award of $898.9 million in airport infrastructure and safety grants as part of the fiscal year (FY) 2021 Airport Improvement Program (AIP).


Airport Affairs

Airport Alert: Senate Committee Advances COVID-Related and Advanced Air Mobility Legislation

The Senate Commerce Committee met to consider several bills today including two COVID-related bills and one AAM bill. All three bills were favorably reported out of Committee by voice vote and will now advance to the full Senate for...


Regulatory Affairs

Regulatory Alert: FAA Solicits Pre-Applications for Airport Environmental Mitigation Pilot Program

FAA released a notice soliciting pre-applications from eligible airports to participate in the agency’s “Airport Environmental Mitigation Pilot Program,” which provides federal grants for projects that will measurably reduce or mitigate aviation...


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: TSA Monthly Conference Call Summary for May 2021

TSA held its monthly conference call for airport stakeholders, led by Alan Paterno, TSA's Airport Industry Engagement Manager in the office of Policy, Plans and Engagement (PPE). This alert summarizes highlights from the call.


Federal Affairs

Security Policy Alert: TSA Monthly Call Reminder, Information Requested on National Alternative Measure 1542-20-03, and ACC Webinar on PARAS 0028

TSA plans to discuss several items on tomorrow's call, including recent updates to the HSIN, REAL ID, the Rap Back program, a Compliance update, a Safe Skies update, and policy updates, including the status of the National AM 1542-20-03B, which...
